
Effective Solution for Arthritis Problem

Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis Buy Now Introduction Arthritis is a condition in which the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints in the body occur. The main symptoms of arthritis include joint pain and stiffness, which get worse over time. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are the most common types of arthritis affecting a large portion of the population. In osteoarthritis, the hard, slippery tissue covering the ends of bones where they form a joint gets break down. While rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system begins to attack the body’s own joints. Both males and females can get affected by arthritis more commonly after crossing the age of 40. Types of Arthritis Here are the types of arthritis found in the patients: Thumb arthritis Septic arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Reactive arthritis Psoriatic arthritis Symptoms The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis include the joints. A patient may feel the following

Want Solution For Asthma !!!

     Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma Buy Now Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airways in which airways become narrow, swelled, and secret excessive mucus. Due to this, breathing becomes difficult and patients start coughing. A whistling sound (wheezing) may be heard when the patient breathes out the air from the lungs. Shortness of breath is the major symptom of being suffering from Asthma. In some people, asthma is not a very serious condition while some people feel this of a major problem. Persons smoking tobacco, having hereditary conditions, allergies, or other viral respiratory infections are at higher risk of being diseased with asthma. Asthma Symptoms The signs and symptoms may vary from one person to another depending upon the body type and severity of the disease. Some common signs and symptoms of Asthma are: Tightness in chest Difficulty in breathing Wheezing when exhaling, which is a common sign of asthma in children Trouble in sleeping Intermittent coughing or whee

Irregular Periods Pain Problem !!!!!

Periods Pain Problem Want Permanent Solution !  Ayurvedic Treatment for Irregular Periods Menstruation is a state in which every month a woman faces bleeding from vagina as a normal part of the menstrual cycle. The process is also known as having a period. Some women face heavy bleeding, stomach ache, acne etc during menstruation while other women may suffer from irregular periods. The menstrual cycle determines the overall reproductive health of a woman. Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts for about 28 days but sometimes you may face delayed or irregular periods. An irregular period is considered as a condition in which a period exceeds 38 days or if the duration varies. According to many studies, about 30 percent of women experience irregular periods during childbearing years. Buy Now Menstrual Health in Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle removes the toxins from the woman’s body and is considered a blessing because it renews the woman’s body. The Vata, Pitta and Kaph

Want Permanent Solution for Hair Fall !!!!

  Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss Hair fall or hair loss is a common problem among men and women and has given sleepless nights to both.  Pollution, dust, dirt, chemicals, and cosmetics are some of the factors that cause hair fall. Hair fall and hair thinning have the most common issues among men and women nowadays.  For some, it may be due to the genes while it may be caused due to the hair styling or coloring products containing certain chemicals. Buy Now What is Hair Fall? Hair fall or alopecia is a term that means losing an amount of hair from part of the head or body on regular basis.  Hair fall takes place when there is a disturbance in the cycle of hair growth and shedding or when the hair follicle is replaced with scar tissue. Usually, the new hair replaces the old or lost hair on the head but when there is a disturbance in this process, it results in baldness which suddenly develops over the years. Most people try to cover up the hair loss problem with hairstyles, makeup or

Want to get rid of Amyloidosis

  Ayurvedic Treatment for Amyloidosis Ayurvedic Treatment for Amyloidosis Amyloidosis is an unusual health disorder that develops when an abnormal protein, known as amyloid, gets accumulated in the body organs and interrupts their normal functioning. The main affected body organs are the heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, digestive tract and the spleen.  Amyloid protein is not normally found in the body, but it can be formed with different types of protein. As the person gets older, the risk of being infected with Amyloidosis increases to a great extent. More commonly, the people who are older than 40 years are found at higher risk of Amyloidosis. On the basis of gender, Amyloidosis is more common in males. Amyloidosis Symptoms The signs and symptoms of Amyloidosis depend upon the affected organ. At initial stage, the patient is not able to observe the symptoms of Amyloidosis but as the disease becomes more severe, the patient may feel following signs and symptoms: Severe weakness