
Best Ayurvedic Remedy for Allergy

  Ayurvedic Treatment For Allergy An allergy is a condition in which the immune system responds to a foreign substance which is harmful for the body. Our immune system becomes hypersensitive to certain substances like medications, pollen, foods, etc. which results in the allergic reactions in the body. The substance causing the allergy is termed as allergen. Various allergens are of everyday substances which are typically not harmful for most people. However, any substance can be an allergen when the immune system shows a specific type of adverse reaction to that substance.  Allergy Symptoms An individual observes inflammation and irritation while suffering through allergic reactions. The specific symptoms of allergy depend upon the type of allergen. Allergic reactions may develop in the eyes, airways, sinuses, skin, gut or nasal passages. Here are several triggers, and the symptoms which may be experienced by the individual suffering through allergy. Dust and Pollen Swollen and watery

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne

  Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne Buy Now Introduction Our skin has tiny holes known as pores that become clogged by dead skin cells, oil, bacteria, and dirt. This blockage may result in the development of pimples and if these pimples affect your skin frequently, then it is known as acne. Acne is one of the most common skin problems mainly affecting teenagers, and adults. The main affected areas of the acne include the face, chest, shoulders, and back. Acne may result in emotional stress, and scar on the skin as well. Symptoms of Acne Acne may develop anywhere in the body but the most common areas of getting acne are the face, shoulders, neck, chest, and back. One suffering through Acne, typically notices the pimples having white or black color. Both whiteheads and blackheads are termed as comedo. Whiteheads and blackheads are the most common lesions observed in acne while other types can also occur. Inflammatory lesions are more likely to cause scarring of the skin. These may consist: Pu

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity

  Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity Buy Now Acidity or acid reflux is a common problem that affects many people, felt around the lowest chest area, and hampers routine work. Around 150 million people around the globe have different digestive disorders that lead to acidity and an increase in acid formation in the body gives birth to certain other diseases. Acidity in Ayurveda In Ayurvedic texts, acidity is known as ‘Urdhvang Amalpitta” meaning regurgitation of acids secreted in the stomach back into the food canal pipe up to the throat. Acidity is a common problem that leads to extreme burning and painful sensations known as acid reflux and gas formation in the stomach. Consuming excessive spicy food, junk food, processed food, a sedentary lifestyle, jobs where you have to sit for long hours are the main reasons that cause acidity. Acidity that lasts for more than two weeks is known as Gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Taking antacids for a longer period m

Herbal medicine for dengue

  Herbal medicine for dengue Ayurvedic Treatment for Dengue Fever Monsoon season is always known to enjoy your surroundings. Stepping out for different outdoor activities, enjoying drinks, visiting parks, and beaches, etc, all add charm to the season. But it can give you some frightening and terrible moments and make you feel equally scared.  Whether you are inside or outside, you might get infected with dengue, may dash all your hopes of excitement, and may leave you with painful memories of the season. Usually, the dengue cases see a sharp increase during the monsoon season due to water stagnation that provides breeding ground to mosquitoes. Dengue fever is a viral infection also known as a break-bone fever that leads to many illnesses and is spread by Aedes mosquitoes. Buy Now What is Dengue? Dengue is a very common and fatal disease affecting almost every part of the world. The dengue virus cannot be transmitted from one infected person to another and requires a specific kind of mo

Ayurvedic medicine for heart palpitations

  Ayurvedic medicine for heart palpitations Heart palpitations (pal -TAY-shuns), are feelings that cause a rapid-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart. They can be triggered by stress, exercise, medication, or a rare medical condition. Heart palpitations are not usually dangerous, although they can be alarming. They can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition such as arrhythmia (an irregular heartbeat) which may require treatment. Heart Palpitations Signs and Symptoms: You may feel your heart beating faster than you think. Skipping beats Fluttering quickly Beating Very fast Pounding Flip-flopping Heart palpitations can be felt in the neck or throat, as well as in the chest. These can happen when you are active or at rest. Heart Palpitations Causes Sometimes, the reason for your heart palpitations is not obvious. The following are common causes: Stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and other strong emotional reactions can be a sign of a high level of stress. Depression Strenuous exe